What is MicroPython?
MicroPython is just as easy to learn as the other programming languages but differs from them in several important respects:
MicroPython is a complete reimplementation of Python 3. This includes advanced features not found in any of the other languages: basic data types (strings, integers, floating point numbers, booleans), data structures (lists, dictionaries, sets), classes, exception handling, generators and list comprehensions.
MicroPython runs entirely on the micro:bit itself - no need for a compiler.
MicroPython (like Python) is a dynamic language so it’s possible to work with the device interactively: enter Python code and see the device immediately respond in live coding sessions using the REPL feature.
MicroPython comes with lots of exclusive features: a powerful music programming language, a speech synthesiser, built-in images and music, a local file system and a large range of ways to connect to attached devices: I2C, NeoPixel, SPI and UART.
By learning MicroPython you’re learning how to use Python - one of the world’s most popular professional programming languages. You inadvertently use Python every day when you use YouTube, Google, Facebook, Instagram, DropBox and a plethora of other online services.