My Raspberry Pi 4 will not boot/is faulty

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The main Raspberry Pi Booting issues are caused by:

1. The HDMI cable is connected to the wrong HDMI port.
When using a single HDMI connection, the cable needs to be connected to HDMI0 Port closest to the Power Port. IF the cable is connected to the other HDMI Port then you will see a rainbow screen only. (this issue is for a Raspberry Pi 4 only)

2. The SD card.
If the SD card you are using is not properly flashed or corrupt this would not allow the Pi to Boot.
The Best way to check the SD card is to turn the Pi with the SD card installed and look at the lights on the board. You should see a red light turn on and stay on, followed by a flashing green light that should turn on sty on periodically.
If you do not see the green light go on at all or if the green light just flashes repeatedly and does not stay on for more then a second this would indicate that the board cannot read the card and that the SD card is faulty.
If the SD card is faulty we recommend reflashing the SD card. 
If you need information on how to properly flash an SD card please see the link below:
We recommend using the raspberry pi imager software for the best results.

**If you have checked the HDMI connection and the SD card and confirmed that both are properly connected/flashed and you still cannot boot then please call us at 855-207-9254 or email technical support if it is after normal business hours so that we can further troubleshoot your issue.

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